viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013

Dina Bova - Albums - Exhibitions

I was born in Moscow at 1977 and came to Israel with my parents when I was 13 years old. Since then, Israel is my home, which I love and respect. 
I started as a classical photographer during my travels around the world. In my early photographs I tried to “seize and freeze the moment” and documenting the surrounding world.
But one day I no longer wanted to “seize the moment”. I wanted to create my own world - a kind of a personal subjective realism with a total freedom of expression and technique. This world is sometimes absurd and paradoxical, sometimes strange and surreal, but it is a reflection of my true feelings. There different emotions coexist side by side: irony, fear, joy, pain, sometimes even madness and despair, but there’s always a presence of hope and there’s never hatred.
   For me art is something that appeals to our senses and emotions, rather than to our intellect and instincts. My art is a world of allegories, imagination and subconscious. There, tough questions are asked – existential questions that help us to look inside ourselves, into the farthest corners of our souls. Who are we? Why did we come into this world? What is beauty? How to preserve our uniqueness?
There’s no definitive and clear-cut answers or ready-made recipes. However, I believe that my art inspires people to keep asking these questions and seek their own answers. I don't like to impose my point of view on the spectator. I only slightly open a door to a wonderland, where everyone can find something of his own.
   My language is the language of intuitive characters, metaphors and multifaceted associations. I try to avoid flat and primitive clichés, which appeal to our basic instincts, such as sex, fear or disgust.
I find a lot of inspiration in Biblical stories, especially from the books of Genesis and Ecclesiastes. What inspires me is its mystics and philosophy of life. In my artworks I improvise on these stories, not in an illustrative way, but emphasizing on philosophical aspects.
  I believe art it should speak for itself and convey a very special mood. It should need no explanation, no elaboration and no apologies. It can be very aesthetic or the opposite of it. The most important thing - is freeing the imagination, so "the sky is the limit"...
  I've been participating in international photo contests and exhibitions since July 2008. To date, 83 of my works were awarded with over 350 prizes in 24 countries.

                                                Short films presentation 

                       Three women - three worlds
                       Seal of Solomon - The New Beginning (Dina Bova, Rebbe Soul, Shlomit Levi)
                       Melting Clocks - It´s About Time (Dina Bove, Tossi Sassi)

1. Creative Photography - Albums

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